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ICOM-CC Graphic Documents Interim Meeting 2019 announcement
December 11 2018
Graphic Documents
The upcoming 2019 Interim Meeting of the Graphic Documents Working Group will take place in Basel (Switzerland). Supported by colleagues from both the Kunstmuseum Basel and Schaulager, and with generous support from Schaulager – Laurenz Stiftung, the meeting will be held at the Schaulager from January 30th to February 1st 2019 to exchange and discuss in the framework of an ICOM-CC Interim Meeting.
This Interim Meeting will be kept fairly informal. There will be no conference webpage, no extended abstracts and no conference fee. The preliminary programcan be distributed freely to others who also might be interested in the topics.
Preliminary programme (subject to change):
Planned meeting hours: 9.00 – 17.00 o’clock
Case studies:
“Of burnt wine lees and burning oil – reconstructing a historical pigment and intaglio printing ink based on Frankford Black”, M. Kern, J. Müller, Y. Wiegand, I. Brückle, A. Stijnman (to be confirmed)
“Study and analysis of red chalk drawings newly attributed to Giovanni Battista Piranesi and his workshop at the Staatliche Kunsthalle Karlsruhe”, M. Krämer
“Cézanne's drawings at the Kunstmuseum Basel - Searching for traces and reconstructing his sketchbooks”, A. Segers
“Vienna Genesis: Purple dyeing of parchment and consequences for conservation”, S. Rabitsch, C. Hofmann, M. Aceto, M. J. Melo, I. Boesken Kanold, J. Vnoucek
“Two challenging funerary papyri in Liverpool”, E. Menei, L. Caylux
Microfading Tester:
“Protecting light sensitive items from fading in exhibitions with a light exposure policy and MFT at the Royal Danish Library”, B. Vinther Hansen, H. K. Sørensen, K. Bresler
“A Round Robin Test for Microfading Testers”, B. Sacher, T. Lojewski, J. Thomas, S. Signorello, M. Strlic (to be confirmed)
“How to get a MF tester in just 10 years”, M. Dissing Forsom Sandahl, G. Beck Carstensen
“A year of microfade testing at The National Archives, UK – if we knew then what we know now…”, L. Angelova, E. Cloos, J. Moon
Graduate work:
“Reducing and Complexing Agents in Paper Conservation: EDTA, DPTA and Sodium Dithionite”, S. Jacoby, J. Pernak, S. Eyb-Green
“Study of the migration of metallogallic ink compounds within a structure and the degradation they cause. The case of the book Terrier du bailliage de Nyon (Fi275)”, V. Yerly, V. Rouchon, C. Effner, G. Coutaz, A. Bellanger
“Investigation and characterisation of inkjet paper: collection of material-specific aspects as a basis for identification and conservation-restoration decisions”, S. Kolly, S. Dobrusskin, R. Hofmann
“Art- and material-technological examination of light screens from the Swiss National Museum”, L. Wyss, S. Dobrusskin, V. Mathieu (to be confirmed)
Prelude – upcoming projects:
“Oral history of conservation in Austria”, S. Eyb-Green, C. Bouvier, W. Baatz
“Discolouration of modern papers due to optical brighteners”, D. Ferlmann, A. Pataki-Hundt, P. Kochendörfer, H. Peters
New devices/ scientific studies in conservation:
“Local treatments of solving old mendings in bound manuscripts and rare prints using an innovative heat transfer method”, Y. Liu
“Folded Parchment - Investigating Damage and Treatment Methods”, P. Garside, C. Dekeyser Thuet
“Simple and low-cost imaging methodology to recover writings in fire-damaged medieval manuscripts”, F. Pottier, A. Michelin, L. Robinet
“Evaluation of deacidification treatments on lignocellulosic paper”, J. Malešic, M. Kadivec, M. Kunaver
“Air exchange and moisture sorption – two processes that influence microenvironment of the archival box?”, M. Novak, J. Grau-Bove, C. De Stefani, D. Hendrickx, M. Strlic
“Using SurveNIR for Paper Analysis”, S. Zorn
There will also be a Business Meeting of the Graphic Documents Working Group, several technical visits in Basel and a workshop.
For registration, please contact the coordinator of the Working Group, Ute Henniges (ute.henniges@abk-stuttgart.de)
Space at Schaulager is limited, thus there will be a maximum of 120 participants able to attend the conference. All accepted speakers already have a reserved place on the registration list.
Ute Henniges, Graphic Documents Working Group Coordinator, Valentine Dubard and Paul Garside, Assistant Coordinators
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