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Promoting the conservation and care of cultural heritage world-wide



Our Mission

Stichting ICOM Committee for Conservation Fund (ICOM-CC Fund) is a 100% non-profit charitable organisation solely serving ICOM-CC and its mission to promote the conservation and care of cultural heritage world-wide. In consultation with the ICOM-CC Directory Board, the ICOM-CC Fund raises awareness and secures grants and gifts to finance initiatives that strengthen the global reach and impact of ICOM-CC. 

YOUR Support.   All contributions, in any amount, will broaden the reach, diversify the membership, support conservation research and exchange, build important initiatives, and in all ways breathe increased life into the vibrancy of ICOM-CC and its missions though the FUND. Grants, gifts, and donations to the ICOM-CC FUND at any level strengthen ICOM-CC’s capacity toward the ultimate goal of safeguarding cultural heritage, a mission toward the greater good of all humanity. Our fundraising initiatives are designed to advance and strengthen inclusivity and global engagement across ICOM-CC and its Working Groups. If you cannot yourself give, empower yourself to reach out to others who may have the capacity!


Your gifts to the Fund will:

  1. Ensure that the wealth of international conservation research and case studies are shared not only with the membership, but with the public at large. These scholarly contributions by our 4000+ members worldwide over the past 50+ years represent the height and breadth of conservation knowledge! Watch online as your support makes ICOM-CC Publications Online grow and prosper.
  2. Promote Conservation Risk Assessment through facilitated, train-the-trainer workshops designed in partnership with four International ICOM Committees, a recent initiative. For more information see ICOM-CC Solidarity Project 2021.
  3. Support the translation of important risk assessment resources into Mandarin Chinese, Hindi, Arabic, French, Spanish, and other languages to broaden ICOM-CC’s positive impact in protecting heritage from human conflict, natural disaster, and other emergencies.
  4. Strengthen the global reach of ICOM-CC by subsidising travel funds for conservation professionals from Category 3 & 4  countries to interim meetings and other gatherings, ensuring that all voices are heard and important contributions are not missed.
  5. Diversify representation on the ICOM-CC Directory Board through subvention of travel and other costs associated with Board participation for colleagues from Category 3 or 4 countries
  6. Improve the functionality, ease the addition of new content, and secure the maintenance for the ICOM-CC website fostering greater exchange and ease of access and navigation to the many and growing ICOM-CC resources.


Sustained History.

During the brief history of the ICOM-CC FUND, it has proven to be a vital entity facilitating important projects and initiatives through fundraising. Established in 2003, and based in the Netherlands, the Stichting ICOM-CC FUND has supported ICOM-CC through matching funds generously provided by ICOM grants and subvention of costs associated with website hosting, maintenance, and improvements in functionality, as well as efforts to document ICOM-CC’s history and to translate and make our publications available virtually. Between 2012-2013, the ICOM-CC Archive was reorganized. During 2016-2017 the ICOM-CC History Project culminated in a publication in celebration of ICOM Committee for Conservation’s 50th Anniversary. Since 2017, a primary focus has been on supporting the ICOM-CC Publications Online Project, making years of conservation scholarship and innovation widely accessible worldwide. 

Board Leadership.

The Board of the ICOM-CC FUND is charged with managing the Foundation, which includes fund raising, tracking, and distributing the Foundation’s funds. The chair and a vice-chair of the ICOM-CC Directory Board advise the Board and for this triennium (2023-2026), the ICOM-CC Treasurer also serves as advisor to the FUND. In addition, up to three observers delegated from the ICOM-CC Working Groups may attend Board meetings in an advisory capacity. 

ICOM-CC Fund Board (2021-2024)

Chair: Terry Little, Nairobi, Kenya
Secretary: Tirza Mol, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Treasurer: Maranthe Lamers, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Advisors to the Board, in their capacity as members of the ICOM-CC Directory Board (2023-2026):

Chair ICOM-CC: Kate Seymour, Maastricht, The Netherlands  
Vice-chairs ICOM-CC: Stephanie de Roemer, Cambridge, United Kingdom; Satish Pandey, New Delhi, India
Treasurer ICOM-CC: Reiko Sakaki, Osaka, Japan 


The ICOM-CC FUND is registered in The Netherlands and officially called Stichting ICOM Committee for Conservation FUND, (ICOM-CC FUND). The FUND Board acts according to the Foundation’s Statutes.

Dutch Chamber of Commerce number, KvK no.: 27263461.
Dutch Fiscal number, RSIN no.: 812967690.

For questions and contributing to the ICOM-CC FUND you can e-mail us via the contact link below:

Postal address: Eerste Keucheniusstraat 32k, 1051 HS Amsterdam


Please Donate and Benefit.

We enthusiastically welcome and value your support through charitable giving. Depending on your local tax regulations, you may secure tax benefits through charitable gifts to the ICOM-CC FUND. Please share the link for the ICOM-CC FUND Mailing List and encourage others to join the list at no cost.

Donate with PayPal or by money transfer in Euros to:

ABN-AMRO Euro account no:
IBAN: NL38ABNA0449989666

Bank address:
1082 PP Amsterdam
The Netherlands