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Sculpture, Polychromy, and Architectural Decorations Triennial programme 2020-2023

Sculpture, Polychromy, and Architectural Decorations Triennial programme 2020-2023

Specific themes for investigation/ideas

Specific themes of investigation, related to sculpture, polychromy, and architectural decoration, will include:

  • Topographic and stratigraphical analysis of paint layers;
  • Recent conservation and restoration projects;
  • Recent advances in materials and techniques;
  • Sustainable conservation methods applied to sculpture, polychromy, and architectural decoration;
  • Preventive conservation issues.


Zoom Talks: “The Zoom Room”

The Sculpture, Polychromy, and Architectural Decoration Working Group will offer webinars to inspire colleagues and connect people during the extraordinary COVID- 19 pandemic. The webinars will concentrate on one invited speaker, focusing on a topic close to their heart, in a talk lasting between 30 to 45 minutes, followed by discussion.

The goal is to feature speakers from a broad geographical spread, presenting interesting and current issues, from a wide range of topics related to the Working Group proposed themes and investigation topics.

The aim is for 3 to 4 webinars spaced over a 12-month period. Each webinar will be offered at various time slots, in order to cater for the different time zones of our members. These will help to increase inclusion and diversity in practice.

The webinars will be free and open, with pre-registration required, and will be announced to members via the Working Group email and to a wider audience via the Working Group social media platforms.

Interim Meeting 2022

The Sculpture, Polychromy, and Architectural Decoration Working Group is planning an Interim Meeting for the end of 2022. Depending on the COVID-19 pandemic, the goal is to have an in-person meeting. It will be a 2-to-3-day meeting held in Europe. The meeting will focus on the “Stratigraphic and topographic study of polychrome sculptures and architectural finishes: methodological approaches”. The main goal is to address the complexity of superimposed historic paint layers and to define a standardised reporting protocol and nomenclature for stratigraphic examination. The contributions will be published as a full volume of Preprints.

Joint Interim Meeting

The Sculpture, Polychromy, and Architectural Decoration Working Group is planning a virtual Joint Interim Meeting with the ICOM-CC Murals, Stone and Rock Art Working Group. The meeting will be a cross-over between the two groups on the topic “From murals and rock art, to architectural decoration”. This will bring together specialists from different disciplines, in order to have a wider and broader approach to the study and conservation of mural painting and architectural decoration.

ICOM-CC Publications Online Platform Project

The Working Group will assist with gathering information for the Online Publications Platform Project which aims to provide access to the Working Groups past publications online, as well as any further work required to place publications generated in this triennium. 


ICOM-CC acknowledges and highly values the contributions and additional efforts required by the Working Group Coordinators towards converting the Beijing 19th Triennial Conference to a fully virtual event. Additional workloads are being carried by Coordinators from both the past and current triennia to ensure a vibrant and exciting conference.